Keeping Children With Autism Safe Online


All kids these days use the internet, but for an autistic child, the appeal of communicating and socializing online, especially by text, is even stronger. After all, there is none of that tone, intonation, facial signals, or body language to worry about that can be so confusing to those living with autism. 

Of course, this means that just like other children, it is our responsibility to educate and guide children with autism on the ways to stay safe online. A topic you can get more detail below. 

Many parents feel as if they are less knowledgeable about technology and the internet than their children are. Unfortunately, this can create a situation where a child is given a device and left to fend for themselves when it comes to safety. 

The good news is that even if you don’t consider yourself the next Bill Gates, there are some simple and actionable things you can do to protect your child while they are online.

I have a busy 8 year old son fully in parent mode with my finger tip he can’t get passed 


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