
Showing posts from June, 2022

Is Brad Happy?

                When my child has a meltdown,   As a mother I wonder sometimes if Brad is happy. My son Brad with autism he cry for many reasons and I'm trying to figure out why crying can be tricky. Today’s blog is all about the reasons why kids might be crying and  how i  can help turn his  behavior around. As a mother, I’ve seen in many situations with kids crying. How can I help my son.  It’s normal to ask, “why is my child with autism crying so much?” When my son has a meltdown, I often want to stop the tears because it hurts my heart ♥️  that my child is struggling. Or I'm running low on patience and just want peace and quiet. Many times, we’re coping with the fifth or sixth meltdown over simple things like the tag in his shirt being too itchy, are his sister talking too loudly, or a change in plans. Autistic children aren’t crying, wailing, or flailing to get at us somehow. They’re crying because it’s what...

Is There Medication for Autism

  Medication for Autism Spectrum Disorder There are two FDA approved medications for autism which include Ariprozaol or Abilify and Risperidone or Risperdal. These medications have indications for treating severe mood, irritability, severe aggression, and self-injury. Medications should never be a standalone treatment for someone with autism. It should always be a package as part of the package of treatments that an individual is receiving which can include ABA therapy, changes in multivitamins, diet changes, as well as other interventions or medications. It is also important for parents and families to understand the time and data necessary to understand a medicine is working, it will normally take consistent administering and a correct dosage of a medication to see significant changes.For us we have try several different medication 💊 that should work for Brad but the end of all trying some of the medication cause him to feel bad, aggressive and staring at the wall. But because o...