
Showing posts from May, 2024

Brad 12th birthday

 Here is a short blog story for my son's 12th birthday:Happy Birthday son "Twelve Years of Sunshine Twelve years ago, on a day just like today, our lives changed forever. You arrived, and with your first cry, our hearts were filled with joy and love. We never knew how much happiness and light one little person could bring. Over the years, we've watched you grow into a kind, curious, and adventurous young man. Your smile can light up a room, and your laughter is contagious. You've brought so much joy to our lives, and we're grateful for every moment we've shared. As you celebrate your 12th birthday, remember that life is full of possibilities and wonders. Never stop exploring, learning, and dreaming big. You are loved beyond measure, and we're honored to be your family. Here's to many more years of love, laughter, and adventure together! Happy 12th birthday, dear son!" Ann Bradley Livebeyondautism #happybirthday

Brad 5th grade Graduation

  Here's a short blog post for my  son's 5th grade graduation: A Major Milestone: Celebrating Brad 5th Grade Graduation! Today marks a significant achievement in Brad educational journey - his 5th grade graduation! It's hard to believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were sending him off to kindergarten, and now here we are, celebrating the completion of his elementary school years. Brad has grown into an intelligent, compassionate, and curious individual, and we couldn't be prouder of him. Throughout his time in elementary school, he has made some  friends, learned valuable lessons, and created unforgettable memories. As we look back on his elementary school years, we remember the excitement of his first day of school, the pride of watching him learn to read and write, and the joy of seeing him make new friends. We've had the privilege of watching him grow and evolve into the kind and thoughtful person he is today. As Brad moves on to ne

My uplifting story

 Here is a short story: "Hey, Mom?" my son asked, he is neurodivergent looking up at me with his big brown eyes. "Are you proud of me?" I smiled and knelt down beside him. "Of course, I'm proud of you!" I said, giving him a big hug. "Why do you ask?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to make sure." I pulled back and looked at him, my heart full of love and admiration. "You know, buddy, being proud of someone isn't just about what they accomplish. It's about who they are as a person. And I am so proud of the kind, thoughtful, and creative person you are. Your autism is a part of that, and it's something that makes you unique and special." He smiled, looking relieved. "Really?" "Really," I said. "I'm proud of you every day, no matter what. And I love you more than words can say." He hugged me tight, and I knew that he felt seen and loved for exactly who he  Uplifting st

4 day weekend with Family

 "The Joy of a 4-Day Weekend with Family" As I sit here reflecting on our recent 4-day weekend, I'm filled with gratitude and happiness. Spending quality time with loved ones is essential, and this extended break provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. We started with a relaxing Friday evening dinner together, sharing stories and laughter around the table. Saturday was all about adventure, exploring Orlando as I bring my mom back home and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Sunday was a day of relaxation, with a family movie marathon and cozy cuddles on the couch. And on Monday, we took a fun day trip to a nearby attraction, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This 4-day weekend reminded me that family time is precious, and even small moments can bring so much joy. Let's make the most of our time together and cherish every second! #FamilyTime #WeekendVibes #QualityTime