Advocating for my son the lessons I have learned from Autism

"Advocating for my child with autism has been a journey of growth, resilience, and determination. I've learned to navigate complex systems, speak up against stigma, and push for inclusion. But most importantly, I've learned to listen to my child's unique voice and amplify their needs. Through this journey, I've discovered that advocacy is not just about fighting for rights, but about empowering my child to thrive. I've learned to celebrate small victories, to grieve setbacks, and to persevere with hope. To all the parents, caregivers, and allies advocating for their loved ones with autism, I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you. Together, we can create a world that embraces and supports our children's differences, and unlocks their full potential." "When our child received an autism diagnosis, we were told to put their needs first. And so we did. We became warriors, advocates, and caretakers, dedicating ourselves to securing every available r...