Morning and school
For some people, leaving the house is as easy as opening the front door and stepping outside. For autism kids is extra challenges. I am asking autism perent what a typical morning trying to leave the house felt like: "My morning is going up and down, sometimes good sometimes it’s a mess a hole lot of mess I have to plan a head so I can try to have a smooth morning and out the door and all is good with a lot of work. Then you realize that you have to go out. Suddenly time goes in slow and fast motion all at once. It doesn’t matter at that moment leaving the house could be something you are looking forward to or dreading. It is the action of having to leave the house that is Then comes the need to run through your route to get where you are going. This can be anxiety. You realize that somehow you have now lost lots of time and before you realize it you are suddenly running late. You can’t leave the house without following certain procedures and now you ...