
Aggressive behaviors

  Aggressive behaviors are one of the biggest struggles that parents of Autism  children face, but unfortunately, we have    to   “eliminate the behavior” .   The problem is, aggression in Autism  children  isn’t as simple as them misbehaving , and some  tactics are actually likely to make the aggression worse. See, Autism  children are never aggressive for no reason. But just because they have a reason doesn’t mean that we can just ignore the aggression and hope it goes away. Steps to Deal with Aggression in Autism Children If you’re dealing with aggression from your Autism  child, it can be easy to feel completely defeated. Traditional parenting strategies aren’t working. You know that your child’s aggression isn’t their fault, but  you’re also getting concerned about the safety of your other kids  or those your child is hurting. Before you can truly handle your child’s aggression in public we need to check  assumptions.   Ultimately we want to stop the aggression before it happens o

Morning and school

For some people, leaving the house is as easy as opening the front door and stepping outside. For autism  kids is extra challenges.  I am asking autism  perent what a typical morning trying to leave the house felt like:  "My morning is going up and down, sometimes good sometimes it’s a mess a hole lot of mess I have to plan a head so I can try to have a smooth morning and out the door  and all is good with a lot of work. Then you realize that you have to go out. Suddenly time goes in slow and fast motion all at once. It doesn’t matter at that moment leaving the house could be something you are looking forward to or dreading. It is the action of having to leave the house that is Then comes the need to run through your route to get where you are going. This can be anxiety.  You realize that somehow you have now lost lots of time and before you realize it you are suddenly running late. You can’t leave the house without following certain procedures and now you have your child telling

Beyond brad Measure

  Like so many special needs parents, I’ve spent  hours filling out paperwork and rating scales about  brad.   what it feels like to anxiously wait in doctor offices, therapy lobbies, and school conference rooms…to go over the results of various assessments for my son.  I’ve left meetings, only to replay the conversations in my head, trying to stay positive and put the negative  behind me.  my son, Brad, is a strong kid .  My son’s diagnosis alone is defined by a number, Level of  Autism spectrum Very verbal Anxiety ADHD  After every doctors appointment  for my son, I immediately ask myself why it hurts so deeply to hear the numbers things that’s wrong instead of getting them fix. It’s not my first time hearing it, I’ve heard it all before.   I know by now what to expect in these meetings, and I try to mentally prepare myself for days leading up.  It is soul crushing and takes my breath away each and every time.  My husband and I love Brad  more than anyone on this Earth, but the schoo

Brad very first plane ride

  Traveling with your family can be fun. If you’re going far, you may decide to take an airplane. You may feel scared about flying in a plane. But it’s safe and really cool! My routine for Brad very first ride  Here’s what happens when you fly on an airplane with my boy that have autism .  1 Getting to the airport on time .  2 Checking in. Once you get to the airport, you check in for your flight. You give your name,  3. Going through security. Once you have your boarding pass  4. Going to the gate and waiting for your flight. Now it’s time to go to the gate.  5. Boarding (getting on) the plane. When your plane is ready, the airport worker makes an announcement over the loud speaker. You get in line  6. Finding your seat. Your seat number is on your boarding pass.  7. Finding the bathroom. The bathroom on the plane is smaller than you bathroom at home.  8. Getting ready for takeoff. Flight attendants are on the plane to help take care of you during the flight.  9. During the flight.You

Happy birthday Brad

  My son is one of the sweetest gifts that life can bring, but it can be hard to figure out what to write him on his birthday. I have so many moments That’s why I  put together this list of 9 birthday wishes for my son Brad. I love this boy so much. His value, his presence in our life,  his thoughtful. His busyness. His love, so I want him to know how much he means to us .  1 I hope that he always look ahead in life with a smile on your face and look back with fondness in our heart 2 I am grateful every day that you came into our world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart.  3 Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. 4 When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul. 5 When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything. 6 I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey  7 If I look back at ev

Autism Sleep Issues

  Sleep problems are very common in children with autism. With my own son, Brad, I struggled with getting him to sleep in his own bed through the night for 8 years. Using  techniques though, I was finally able to establish a step-by-step procedure that resulted in him sleeping through the night consistently in his own bed and not sleeping on couch  Every night, despite giving Brad his medication . and letting him fall asleep in his own bed, he would wake up. He sometimes would be up for hours. And oftentimes he would run into our room and climb into our bed and fall back to sleep. Sometimes I try not to close his door until he fall asleep. Sure to close his door right after he fall asleep so that he can stay asleep because he does here everything and anything. Brad life, his sleeping me and my husband pattern  every single night.  One of the first pieces of advice was for me to lock our bedroom door at night. This prevented Brad  from just barging in and jumping in our bed. I explained

What Are Sensory Issues?

  How Are Sensory Balls   Used For Autism? The use of sensory balls and toys to help children with autism is becoming more and more common. There are many different types of sensory balls and toys available, appealing to one or more of the different senses. Sensory balls are toys work to engage a child’s senses in an enjoyable way. Sensory ball used for autism can help children focus better, calm down, and relax, however, sensory toys do not replace formal and evidence-based treatment for autism spectrum disorders. In the end, sensory toys are meant to help a child learn more about their senses in a fun way. Through the use of play, a child with autism may better understand their senses and how to manage them.  These sensory reflective balls help children with autism by helping them develop a visual sense.    that children with ADHD and autism have less of the ability to process visual sensory information. This is a great solution to help get your child started! What Are Sensory Issues