
6 Stages journey of Every Parent with Autism Child

Image 1 The Diagnosis Stage The Diagnosis Stage is the first stage in every parent’s autism journey because of course it starts with learning that your child is autism. 2 The Discovery Stage  And I’ll be honest this is the stage that most parents struggle with in this your focus on becoming the expert for autism. 3 The Accommodation Stage The Accommodation Stage comes next, and it’s all about meeting those needs that you uncovered in the Discovery Stage 4 The Success Stage This stage is where most parents and professionals try to jump to.So I’m going to remind you again it’s incredibly important that you move though these stage s 5 The Advocacy Stage This is where you take all of the knowledge and experience you’ve gained in the previous stages,  and you use that to educate others and help them to help your child. The advocacy stage is exactly as it sound  6 The Ally Stage So the final stage on the parent of an autism journey is. The Ally Stage is where parents of au

Yoga therapy reduces anxiety and stress levels

  Children with autism tend to experience difficulties with self-regulation or sensory integration, which refers to our ability to use and respond to both external and internal stimuli. This has adverse effects on a child’s mood and behavior. Yoga can help in this regard, as studies show that the combination of yoga poses and breathing exercises improves self-regulation and coping skills, reducing mood and behavioral problems. Yoga therapy improves balance and stability   Autism  children often suffer from problems with balance and stability due to limited body awareness. This is something that yoga is effective at remedying as it gets kids familiar with body parts and structured movements. Yoga therapy helps kids develop a greater sense of body awareness and control, especially when the poses involve both proprioceptive. Yoga therapy reduces anxiety and stress levels Because of impaired sensory integration, children with autism often experience high levels of stress and anxiety. Yoga

I Believe in myself

  Say this words out loud everyone. Some positive affirmations to you though your day. We are all beautiful don’t forget that. Keep reminding yourself how gifted you are. Well get thorough This in believe in yourself

Autism communication

For autism kids language difficulties affect children academically, socially and personally. The ability to communicate is and essential skill that can impact our kids life. Which can cause frustration and often crying for everyone. we strive to help our kids communication matter  There is a significant different between talking and communication. As most of us know, the inability to use speech does not preclude the ability to be understood by others. Sign language, body language, pictures, all facilitate non-verbal communication and others. Sign language, pictures, all facilitate non-verbal communication and these can provide an opportunity to work towards increasing vocalization in autism kids.

celebrate Mother’s Day.

  Celebrate Mother’s Day.  Being a mom has brought me the greatest joy in my life. I am so blessed to have 2 amazing kids that I get to share each day with. I am so happy to celebrate this day and everyday with my family. I am so grateful to my husband for helping build a solid foundation to raise our kids.    My family helped me realize how much I love being with a mother and how much I enjoy discovering the world as mother.  I’ve grown and found purpose in helping other that have autism kids. Being mom has helped me discover strengths I did not know I had and a love that is so deep and pure that words cannot describe. It is that love that brings me here to listen to other's stories. Our roads as moms are often more like roller coasters with highs and lows and unexpected twists. Our lift filled with many excitement, tears of joy and/or pain, challenges, eager anticipation. I’ve learned to embrace each day as a mother and be present to helped my kids grow and to be the best wife t

Strategies To Calm Children With Autism

Image   Children with autism tend to have difficulties interacting socially. That’s why they may act out or have a full meltdown when stressed, confused, afraid, and anxious about something. Strategies To Calm Children With Autism Different from tantrums, autism meltdowns are an intense response to overwhelming circumstances. The common triggers include changes in routine, sensory differences, communication difficulties, and anxiety. Getting overly anxious leads to a meltdown or involuntary coping mechanism. In this article, you’ll learn some effective strategies to calm children with autism. See below: Have Your Child Wear A Weighted Vest  Vest can hold weight. This special vest designed for autistic children has pockets inside where you can place small ½ or ¼ pound weights. An anxious child with autism felt calmer and focused wearing a weighted vest because of the compression and weight, providing deep muscle and joint pressure that resembles a firm hug. Start with

My secret world

  Welcome to the secret world of autism. Click support Now to join our amazing community Facebook group Instagram livebeyondautism. website  This whole beach trip is giving me all the coastal vibes

How children with autism Spectrum play

  How children with Autism Spectrum Disorder play Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to be less spontaneous than other kids. Unlike a typical curious little kid pointing to things that catch their eye, children with ASD often appear disinterested or unaware of what’s going on around them. They also show differences in the way they play. They may have trouble with functional play, or using toys that have a basic intended use, such as toy tools. They usually don’t “play make-believe,” engage in group games, imitate others, collaborate, or use their toys in creative ways. Related signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder While not part of autism’s official diagnostic criteria, children with autism spectrum disorders often suffer from one or more of the following problems: Sensory problems  – Many children with autism spectrum disorders either underreact or overreact to sensory stimuli. At times they may ignore people speaking to them, even to the point of appearing deaf. How