
My uplifting story

 Here is a short story: "Hey, Mom?" my son asked, he is neurodivergent looking up at me with his big brown eyes. "Are you proud of me?" I smiled and knelt down beside him. "Of course, I'm proud of you!" I said, giving him a big hug. "Why do you ask?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to make sure." I pulled back and looked at him, my heart full of love and admiration. "You know, buddy, being proud of someone isn't just about what they accomplish. It's about who they are as a person. And I am so proud of the kind, thoughtful, and creative person you are. Your autism is a part of that, and it's something that makes you unique and special." He smiled, looking relieved. "Really?" "Really," I said. "I'm proud of you every day, no matter what. And I love you more than words can say." He hugged me tight, and I knew that he felt seen and loved for exactly who he  Uplifting st

4 day weekend with Family

 "The Joy of a 4-Day Weekend with Family" As I sit here reflecting on our recent 4-day weekend, I'm filled with gratitude and happiness. Spending quality time with loved ones is essential, and this extended break provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. We started with a relaxing Friday evening dinner together, sharing stories and laughter around the table. Saturday was all about adventure, exploring Orlando as I bring my mom back home and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Sunday was a day of relaxation, with a family movie marathon and cozy cuddles on the couch. And on Monday, we took a fun day trip to a nearby attraction, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This 4-day weekend reminded me that family time is precious, and even small moments can bring so much joy. Let's make the most of our time together and cherish every second! #FamilyTime #WeekendVibes #QualityTime

Relocating to Florida

  I would advise against relocating to Florida with neurodiverse children, as my own experience with obtaining services for my child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been challenging. If you do not plan on enrolling your child in an autism-specific charter school immediately, I recommend exploring other options.Florida may not be the best choice for families of neurodiverse children seeking adequate educational resources and support. Funding challenges and recent changes in education laws have resulted in a lower ranking for funding public schools, leading to limited accessibility to specialized programs and materials.Florida's public education system and disability services face funding difficulties due to the state's lower tax rates, which can negatively impact special education resources available to students. Additionally, recent changes in educational laws have led to a decline in the quality of education provided by banning certain books from schools.While there ar

This morning was very challenging for me

This morning was very challenging for me, with my son it can be difficult when you’re faith is tested especially when you have a busy schedule to manage and juggle several tasks and responsibilities. Which can be overwhelming at times. It was very difficult to wake him up, dressing and preparing breakfast before my own shower to ensure timely school drop-off and work commencement . It's very  important for me to remember that moments like these can be opportunities for growth and resilience. Trusting in my faith can help me navigate through uncertainties and embrace changes in my life, even when I'm unsure of the outcomes. Driving to work on the highway, I had to turned my car around because I was second guessing myself, if I had left either lights or the stove on. When I arrived home,  everything was okay no lights or stove left on, To ensure a smooth transition back to work after being stuck in traffic, I will put everything aside and focus on my job because there is no margi

How do you show love to an autistic child

  How do you show love to an autistic child? A: Showing love to your child with autism will depend on how your child best receives the love. Some children love to be hugged and cuddled. Other children may only accept words of affirmation as a sign of love. Spending quality time with your child with autism and performing acts of service for them can also show your love for them.

Carries the autism gene 🧬


Brad book fair

 Brad love 💕 going to school just to purchase spy ninja 🥷 @livebeyondautism

How to recharge and take a break as a mom and dad

  Recharging and taking breaks as parents is crucial for your well-being. Here are some tips: 1. **Schedule Me-Time:** Plan regular "me-time" into your schedule. It can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as a few hours. Use this time to do something you enjoy, whether it's reading, taking a bath, or going for a walk. 2. **Share Responsibilities:** Split parenting duties with your partner. Taking turns can give each of you a break and reduce stress. 3. **Accept Help:** Don't hesitate to accept help from friends or family members. They can watch the kids for a while, allowing you to recharge. 4. **Set Boundaries:** Learn to say no when necessary. Overcommitting can lead to burnout. Prioritize your well-being. 5. **Stay Connected:** Maintain social connections with friends and other parents. Connecting with others who understand your challenges can be refreshing. 6. **Prioritize Sleep:** Ensure you and your partner get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make parenting mor